Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mario, Luigi, & Breastfeeding in 2010

It is OFFICIALLY 2010! (In Vancouver, WA it is anyway.)

A minute ago, Isaiah was playing with his Leapster, which is strange because he's been playing Super Mario Brothers on his DS all day, and Josiah was nursing and attempting to bite. Some mothers might like to spend the new year celebrating with frothy alcoholic beverages, but clearly, I enjoy spending mine scrapbooking and getting my right nipple chomped on by a 3 month old while his older brother asks question after repeated question or demands that I "win him more lives."

Today is the first day of this blog. I am shocked by the lack of articles for mothers with more than one child. We, mothers with more than one child, are the original majority group. We are the multi-taskers of the world. The first jugglers. The 8th wonder. We are individual women who can do more than ten men.

I am the mother of two boys. Isaiah is five and Josiah is 3 months old. My husband, bless his heart, wants me to give birth to a football team, the new Lindsey Generation should come from my womb according to Robert. I feel TWO MIGHT BE ENOUGH. I work. I clean. I chase the children. I cook. Repeat. Somewhere, I find time for me. It is usually spent on the toilet, or in the tub, while Isaiah knocks on the door and asks me simple to answer questions that daddy doesn't know. It is usually along the lines of, "Mama, where is...."

So, here it is. A daily blog about mommies who have more than one child. Mommies who have children. Today, it is 01/01/10. Today I sleep. Tomorrow, I conquer the Christmas tree while nursing and "winning lives."