Sunday, May 9, 2010

Do It In Stilettos

You can do anything you put your mind to and you can do it in stilettos.
-Kimora Lee Simmons

I registered at Clark College a few weeks ago. I took my placement tests, and scored pretty high I admit, and my dad generously agreed to pay tuition for me. (Thanks, dad!)

It has been a long while since I've studied for something. The last test I took was for the Oregon Construction Contractor's Board and I passed--of course, but it was open book and, if I must say so, easy. My CCB license is proof that you can do anything in stilettos--even build a house if you want. (Or supervise, at the very least.)

I love my accessories. I LOVE THEM. I wake up in the morning out-numbered by penises. 4 to 1. Every day. Every day I wake up to feed, cloth, work around and with, my boys. And, when I cleaned out my closet I am reminded of exactly how much girls rock. I love my shoes. I love my purses. I love my dresses. I LOVE IT ALL!!! I am not ashamed of who I am. In fact, I will be the first to say that I am an intelligent, beautiful, hell--hot, mama who makes no apologies for being out-spoken, bold, and tough.

My point is, I will do whatever it takes and I will do it while looking good. Bring it. I can take it. Thank you Kimora. I heart you.

PS: Next goal--Rock stilettos while learning to shoot my 9mm. (Thanks, honey!!!)


  1. You're so cute. That's awesome about school. You'll rock it. I, on the other hand, will pass on the stilettos.

  2. You're so cute. That's awesome about school (and your dad paying!). You're going to rock it. I, on the other hand, will pass on the stilettos. =)
